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Generate HUGE Investment Returns with Crowdfunding

November 23, 2016 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

MultiWin Plan has created a REVOLUTION in Europe and it’s founders have chosen StartHub as it’s epicenter to showcase their accomplishments, effectiveness of their business model and most importantly, how they can generate income to their members of 10-to-20 times their original investment in a backed project.
Here’s what’s in it for you:
1. Take advantage of an opportunity to join a revolutionary Crowdfunding Platform entering the US! (Currently exploding in Europe)
2. Learn what MultiWin Plan is, how it’s succeeding & see a finished product (2-time CES award Winner in Paris) along the income generated to its current members!
3. Exclusive access to become the 1st U.S. members (How and How Much)
4. Detailed explaination of the INCOME potential by growing your network (Optional for subscribers)


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