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SQL Saturday Speaker Idol Competition

June 18, 2016 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

With SQL Saturday South Florida 2016 only several weeks away, our call for speakers continues as many of the sharpest SQL minds around submit their topics and prepare to share their time and knowledge for free with the local SQL community. We hope you’re planning to join us for a great day of networking and free learning opportunities. If you’ve ever enjoyed or admired the knowledge and know-how of a speaker at an event like this, remember that they started where you are, with an interest in SQL and I.T. topics, a passion to learn more, but also with the desire to share what they know with their peers. If you have an interest in SQL or any of the Data platform technologies, and have learned something useful in your I.T. career, consider giving back to the community by sharing what you know. While it may seem intimidating to give an hour long talk at an event like this, remember that every great speaker had to start somewhere. And for you, maybe that start is Speaker idol. Speaker Idol is a friendly competition for anyone, even first time speakers, to share for 5 – 10 minutes on a technical topic, SQL or otherwise, that is informative, useful, and entertaining. You can register by RSVP’ing to this event. Your presentation will be judged by a small community panel, with a swag prize for everyone attending, as well as a special prize for the best speaker, judged on content, presentation skills, and audience engagement. This is a great way to get experience presenting a technical topic to the community, and a great way for the community to find and develop the next generation of speakers. So give it a try, and see where it takes you!


June 18, 2016
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Event Category:


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