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The Dockering of .NET

The June meeting of dotNet Miami will have one of our most popular speakers talking about one of the hottest technologies. .NET expert and Away From The Keyboard host, Cecil Phillip, will show us the marrying of Docker and .NET. Cecil will review the basics of Docker and how we can add containers to our applications.
We’ll be meeting at the Microsoft Innovation Center at Venture Hive. The Microsoft Innovation Center in Miami (MIC Miami) is a state-of-the-art technology facility open to students, software developers, academic faculty, entrepreneurs, and startups for collaboration and skills development. Microsoft Innovation Center at Venture Hive is located at 1010 NE 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33132. There’s limited parking in front of Venture Hive. If that lot is full there’s an empty lot directly behind the Venture Hive building. 
And as always we’ll have prizes at the end of the meeting, including a free copy of Resharper from JetBrains!
The Dockering of .NET
Containers are everywhere! They have taken over the software industry, and are changing the way that we think about building applications. Whether you’re working with Linux or Windows, or you may be deploying to Azure or AWS, it doesn’t matter. The containers are coming to get you. 
In this talk, we’ll attempt to demystify many of the fundamental concepts around containers and Docker. We will explore a few real life use cases to see some of the ways Docker is being used in production today. We’ll also spend some taming the tooling and seeing what it’s like to add Docker support to our .NET applications. By the end of this talk, you should be able to answer questions “Why Docker?”, and have the confidence to being dockerizing your code.

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