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Hurricane Innovation Prize

Are you ready to compete?

We’re seeking the greatest student-led innovation created at the University of Miami.

This innovation can be an invention or a prototype. Most of all, it needs to be new, unique, and intended to solve a real-world problem. And importantly, it needs to be led by students.

The HIP event will take place on February 4, 2025 at the Lakeside Village Pavilion.

Application Requirements

Deadline to Submit

Applications must be submitted by January 17, 2025

Winner will be announced at the pitch competition.

Judging Criteria


Idea Novelty

Idea validity, novelty, and potential social impact. Does the idea introduce a new technology, process, or business model?

Business Model

Value proposition, cost structure, key resources, customer discovery and validation, as well as product or service development strength.


Future vision, team commitment and culture, team expertise and knowledge, and pitch delivery.


Probability of becoming a successful business, competitive advantage, and probability of receiving investment.

Ready to compete?

Complete registration now!

Need help you with application?

All UM students can receive free help from The Launch Pad – UM’s Entrepreneurship Center. Register for an account and request a meeting with us here! 

Team Eligibility Requirements


Teams must be composed of up to 3 degree-seeking, undergraduate or graduate students all of which must be enrolled at University of Miami during the academic year of the competition. If a team member is a recent graduate of the university, the idea for the invention must have been initially conceived while the student was enrolled as an undergraduate.

If a team member is a recent graduate of the university and is now attending graduate school at another ACC institution, the student is only eligible to compete for their undergraduate institution.

Teams with generated revenue or venture capital funding in excess of $100,000 are not eligible to compete.

Winning Cash Prizes

First Place


cash prize

Second Place


cash prize

Get Started with The Launch Pad

  • Co-working is open from 9 AM – 4 PM
  • Multiple flexible working spaces
  • Provides a central location
  • Two private phone booths to take calls or meetings
  • Limited daily availability
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